Eyes & Ears Conference 2015

11.05. / Cologne

12.05. / Cologne

Eyes & Ears Conference 2014

11.05. / Cologne

Eyes & Ears Conference 2015

11.05. / Köln

Eyes & Ears Conference 2015

Eyes & Ears Conference 2015

11.05. / Köln

Eyes & Ears Conference 2015

11.05. / Köln

The media are changing faster and faster. Thus, industry actors have to face new challenges of digitisation, convergence and the struggle for popularity with the viewers every day. That's why 'Keep on Running' is the motto for the Eyes & Ears Conference 2015.With the Eyes & Ears Conference, we offer industry players the opportunity to stay up to date regarding current trends, prospects and opportunities. This is the only way they can keep up in today's converging media world.

Monday, 11 May 2015
Jochen Schropp14.00


Jochen Schropp, TV-Host & Actor



Zeljko Karajica, President Eyes & Ears of Europe, Unterföhring



Elfi Scho-Antwerpes, Mayor of the City of Cologne



Corinna Kamphausen, CEO Eyes & Ears of Europe, Cologne

EYES & EARS Junior Highlights 2015

The Eyes & Ears Junior Highlights give young talent a platform to showcase their innovative work. Practical, inspiring, and promising, they present their projects to an expert audience as part of the European Conference for Design, Promotion and Marketing. The industry meeting offers them the opportunity to get to know those who are always looking for young creative talent. At the same time, these young talents give long-time media professionals creative ideas for their own work.

​Christian Remiger, CEO Creation büro bewegt, Munich

Trainstorming – A film about train travel

Paul Kusmaul, Student at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Ludwigsburg

Trainstorming is an animated film about brainstorming on the train. "A man is on the train, thinking over new ideas and lets his midn wander. His thoughts travel through different issues and form new associations and patterns of thought with the aim to capture the essence of an idea in a picture." Trainstorming was created in the summer semester 2014 in the course Motion Design at the Film Academy Baden Württemberg.


wHole – A Puppet Animation

Robert Banning & Laura Staab, Students at the TH Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm

From the drawing to the finished film a seven-member team from the Technical University Nuremberg georg Simon Ohm worked over a year on the creation of the puppet animation film 'wHole': They drew storyboards, made miniature furniture and clothes to bring the lovingly vreated dolols to life on the screen. They even composed the soundtrack. "Basically, wHole can be divided into two main motives: First, we consider the altruistic nature of man that is revealed especially in a romantic relationship. In the second part we ask ourselves what needs to happen to change this behaviour or to even corrupt it."


Dustin – The Anatomy of a Comedy
Andreas Tetz, Kristina Jäger & Michael Fritzsche, Graduates of TH Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm

From the initial idea and the required tools to the development of an own style to the technical details and the finished film in just 17 weeks, the alumni-team will explain the creation of the short film 'Dustin'.

"In the story of 'Dustin' many messages are hidden between the lines: That one has to fight for something, that your weaknesses often get pointed out by your adversaries and that at first glance unpleasant changes often have more value than convenience. Most of all however the animated film is one thing: Fun. 'Dustin' is a classic comedy that should make the viewer laugh with funny situations and a hero pursuing an apparantly insignificant goal with the utmost seriousness."


Voting: Eyes & Ears Junior Highlights 2015

EYES & EARS Keynotes 2015

Under the title Eyes & Ears Keynotes, both national, European and international industry players from TV, film, Internet, mobile, games, events, advertising, art and culture give insights into their projects and provide new perspectives. By addressing current media developments, trends and challenges, the speeches offer inspiration and points of reference for the participants' own work. Therefore, the keynotes are an important contribution to the design and examination of audiovisual communication.

16.00The future of media: paywill models, robot journalists... and a new media ecosystem

Gerd Leonhard, Futurist, Author and CEO The Futures Agency, Basel

The content industries are beginning to come out of 'the valley of death', i.e. the era of when everything had to be free and instant. Mobile platforms are emerging as a big opportunity, payment is becoming easier, users are beginning to value quality and relevance over simple torrents of information, and by 2020 almost 6 billion people will be connected on high-speed, high-definition networks. Gerd will show the way 'backwards from 2020', point out the emerging opportunities, myths (such as the paywall panacea) and challenges, along the lines of Alan Kay's famous quote 'the best way to predict the future is to create it'.


Digital Storytelling- New Narrative Forms for New Formats

Dr. Dennis Eick, Write & Lecturer, Cologne

"Webseries, virals, games and transmedia stories – all of these formats require new different narrative styles. But how do these new narrative styles need to be created to make them work? Is it the existing dramatic composition – or should us creatives learn a new ABC? What are the consequences when the stories change because of digitisation, when they breach the limits of the individual media, when stories are told linear or non-linear, and when they have to turn a passive viewer into an active consumer. How can we use new platforms to touch our audience on an emotional level, to make it curious, to inspire it – and to finally bind it to us?"


Corporate Imagery – How Companies Successfully Communicate with Images

Prof. Dr. Dieter Georg Herbst, Lecturer & Author, Berlin

"Pictures are becoming more important? Wrong! They have always been important because people strongly think in pictures. What has increased is the the awareness of this topic because representatives in Marketing and Communications recognise how important pictures are. What mental image is created when you think of Milka? Surely the purple cow and the alps. What image is formed when you think of Malboro? Cowboys and the Wild West of course. And when you think of Becks Beer? Certainly the green sailing ship and the sea. Based on these mental images you can quickly recognise these brands, differentiate them from others and find them attractive. But what do you see when you think of Deutsche Bank? Or a media company like Bertelsmann? Many companies lack a clear imagery and thus an icon that customers or business parters can recognize and which they would like to see again. A major oversight, because professional imagery is highly effective and can influence the behaviour."


Anticonventional Thinking

Jeffrey Baumgartner, Author, Motivational Speaker and Workshop Facilitator, Erps-Kwerps/Belgium

Have you ever done something incredibly creative by being conventional? Anticonventional thinking (ACT) is a new approach to creativity that Jeffrey Baumgartner has developed to implement creative visions and fuel innovations. ACT is modelled after the way highly creative people, such as artists, writers and composers collaborate on projects.

In his talk, Jeffrey Baumgartner will introduce you to ACT, explain the logic behind the process and tell you how you can start using ACT to develop creative visions that ensure your business keeps on running during these challenging times.

​EYES & EARS Case Studies 2015

The Eyes & Ears Case Studies present current projects in the fields of television, film, internet, mobile, games, events, advertising, art and culture.


"Think Global, Act Local”, what does it mean for us today?

Juliette Clerc, Head of On Air department Dream On agency, Paris
Marylou Johnston, Communication Director and Business Development Dream On agency, Paris

"For almost two decades the famous phrase 'Think Global, Act Local' has been the mantra of the entertainment industry. But with the globalisation of content, how did our craft adapt…?"


The Power of Social Influencers

Ronald Horstman, Geschäftsführer Studio71, Berlin

"The rapid growth of social media platforms leads to far-reaching changes in the way we use media. Studio71 is the market leader in multi-channel networks and with the reach of social media platforms and their stars, develops unique entertainment for young audiences and advertisers."


Award Ceremony: Eyes & Ears Junior Highlights 2015


Get-together in the Wagenhalle of the Comedia

​EYES & EARS Case Studies 2015

Die Eyes & Ears Case Studies präsentieren aktuelle Projekte aus den Bereichen TV, Film, Internet, Mobile, Games, Events, Werbung, Kunst und Kultur.


"Think Global, Act Local”, what does it mean for us today?

Juliette Clerc, Head of On Air department Dream On agency, Paris
Marylou Johnston, Communication Director and Business Development Dream On agency, Paris


Eyes & Ears Case Study II

​19.30Ergebnis: Eyes & Ears Nachwuchspreis 2015
​19.45Get Together in der Wagenhalle der Comedia Colonia

EYES & EARS Junior Highlights 2015

Unter dem Veranstaltungspunkt Eyes & Ears Junior Highlights bekommen junge Talente eine Plattform, um ihre innovativen Arbeiten zu präsentieren. Praxisnah, inspirierend und zukunftsträchtig stellen sie ihre Projekte einem Expertenpublikum vor. Damit bietet ihnen der Branchentreff die Möglichkeit zum Kontakt mit denjenigen, die immer auf der Suche nach jungen Kreativtalenten sind. Gleichzeitig geben die Nachwuchskreativen langjährigen Medienprofis kreative Impulse für die eigene Arbeit.


Trainstorming - Ein Film über Zugfahren
Paul Kusmaul, Student an der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Ludwigsburg


wHole – Ein Puppentrickfilm
Robert Banning & Laura Staab, Studenten an der TH Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm


Dustin – Die Anatomie einer Komödie
Andreas Tetz, Absolvent der TH Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm


Abstimmung: Eyes & Ears Junior Highlights 2015

EYES & EARS Keynotes 2015

Unter dem Titel Eyes & Ears Keynotes geben sowohl nationale als auch europäische und internationale Branchenakteure aus den Bereichen TV, Film, Internet, Mobile, Games, Events, Werbung, Kunst und Kultur Einblicke in ihre Projekte und vermitteln damit neue Perspektiven. Mit dem Aufgreifen aktueller Medienentwicklungen, -trends und -herausforderungen bieten die Beiträge den Teilnehmern Inspiration und Anknüpfungspunkte für ihre eigene Arbeit.


The future of media: paywill models, robot journalists... and a new media ecosystem

Gerd Leonhard, Futurist, Author and CEO The Futures Agency, Basel


Digitales Erzählen - Neue Erzählformen für neue Formate

Dr. Dennis Eick, freier Autor & Dozent, Köln


Corporate Imagery - wie Unternehmen erfolgreich mit Bildern kommunizieren

Prof. Dr. Dieter Georg Herbst, Dozent & Autor, Berlin


Anticonventional Thinking

Jeffrey Baumgartner, Author, Motivational Speaker and Workshop Facilitator, Erps-Kwerps/Belgium

Die Medien verändern sich immer schneller. Deshalb müssen sich die Branchenakteure jeden Tag aufs Neue den Herausforderungen durch Digitalisierung, Konvergenz und das Ringen um die Zuschauer-Gunst stellen. 'Keep on Running' ist daher das Motto der Eyes & Ears Conference 2015. Mit der Eyes & Ears Conference bieten wir den Branchenakteuren die Möglichkeit, aktuelle Trends, Perspektiven und Chancen im Blick zu behalten. Nur so können sie sich in der heutigen konvergenten Medienwelt behaupten.

Montag, 11. Mai 2015
Jochen Schropp 14.00 Moderation
Jochen Schropp, TV-Moderator & Schauspieler
14.05 Begrüßung
Zeljko Karajica, Präsident Eyes & Ears of Europe, Unterföhring
14.10 Grußwort
Jürgen Roters, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Köln
14.25 Programm
Corinna Kamphausen, CEO Eyes & Ears of Europe, Köln

EYES & EARS Junior Highlights 2015

Unter dem Veranstaltungspunkt Eyes & Ears Junior Highlights bekommen junge Talente eine Plattform, um ihre innovativen Arbeiten zu präsentieren. Praxisnah, inspirierend und zukunftsträchtig stellen sie ihre Projekte einem Expertenpublikum vor. Damit bietet ihnen der Branchentreff die Möglichkeit zum Kontakt mit denjenigen, die immer auf der Suche nach jungen Kreativtalenten sind. Gleichzeitig geben die Nachwuchskreativen langjährigen Medienprofis kreative Impulse für die eigene Arbeit.


Trainstorming - Ein Film über Zugfahren
Paul Kusmaul, Student an der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Ludwigsburg


wHole – Ein Puppentrickfilm
Robert Banning & Laura Staab, Studenten an der TH Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm


Dustin – Die Anatomie einer Komödie
Andreas Tetz, Absolvent der TH Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm


Abstimmung: Eyes & Ears Junior Highlights 2015

Die Medien verändern sich immer schneller. Deshalb müssen sich die Branchenakteure jeden Tag aufs Neue den Herausforderungen durch Digitalisierung, Konvergenz und das Ringen um die Zuschauer-Gunst stellen. 'Keep on Running' ist daher das Motto der Eyes & Ears Conference 2015. Mit der Eyes & Ears Conference bieten wir den Branchenakteuren die Möglichkeit, aktuelle Trends, Perspektiven und Chancen im Blick zu behalten. Nur so können sie sich in der heutigen konvergenten Medienwelt behaupten.

Montag, 11. Mai 2015
Jochen Schropp 14.00 Moderation
Jochen Schropp, TV-Moderator & Schauspieler
14.05 Begrüßung
Zeljko Karajica, Präsident Eyes & Ears of Europe, Unterföhring
14.10 Grußwort
Jürgen Roters, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Köln
14.25 Programm
Corinna Kamphausen, CEO Eyes & Ears of Europe, Köln

EYES & EARS Keynotes 2015

Unter dem Titel Eyes & Ears Keynotes geben sowohl nationale als auch europäische und internationale Branchenakteure aus den Bereichen TV, Film, Internet, Mobile, Games, Events, Werbung, Kunst und Kultur Einblicke in ihre Projekte und vermitteln damit neue Perspektiven. Mit dem Aufgreifen aktueller Medienentwicklungen, -trends und -herausforderungen bieten die Beiträge den Teilnehmern Inspiration und Anknüpfungspunkte für ihre eigene Arbeit.


The future of media: paywill models, robot journalists... and a new media ecosystem

Gerd Leonhard, Futurist, Author and CEO The Futures Agency, Basel


Digitales Erzählen - Neue Erzählformen für neue Formate

Dr. Dennis Eick, freier Autor & Dozent, Köln


Corporate Imagery - wie Unternehmen erfolgreich mit Bildern kommunizieren

Prof. Dr. Dieter Georg Herbst, Dozent & Autor, Berlin


Anticonventional Thinking

Jeffrey Baumgartner, Author, Motivational Speaker and Workshop Facilitator, Erps-Kwerps/Belgium

​EYES & EARS Case Studies 2015

Die Eyes & Ears Case Studies präsentieren aktuelle Projekte aus den Bereichen TV, Film, Internet, Mobile, Games, Events, Werbung, Kunst und Kultur.


"Think Global, Act Local”, what does it mean for us today?

Juliette Clerc, Head of On Air department Dream On agency, Paris
Marylou Johnston, Communication Director and Business Development Dream On agency, Paris


Eyes & Ears Case Study II

​19.30Ergebnis: Eyes & Ears Nachwuchspreis 2015
​19.45Get Together in der Wagenhalle der Comedia Colonia

Die Medien verändern sich immer schneller. Deshalb müssen sich die Branchenakteure jeden Tag aufs Neue den Herausforderungen durch Digitalisierung, Konvergenz und das Ringen um die Zuschauer-Gunst stellen. 'Keep on Running' ist daher das Motto der Eyes & Ears Conference 2015. Mit der Eyes & Ears Conference bieten wir den Branchenakteuren die Möglichkeit, aktuelle Trends, Perspektiven und Chancen im Blick zu behalten. Nur so können sie sich in der heutigen konvergenten Medienwelt behaupten.

Montag, 11. Mai 2015
Jochen Schropp 14.00 Moderation
Jochen Schropp, TV-Moderator & Schauspieler
14.05 Begrüßung
Zeljko Karajica, Präsident Eyes & Ears of Europe, Unterföhring
14.10 Grußwort
Jürgen Roters, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Köln
14.25 Programm
Corinna Kamphausen, CEO Eyes & Ears of Europe, Köln

EYES & EARS Junior Highlights 2015

Unter dem Veranstaltungspunkt Eyes & Ears Junior Highlights bekommen junge Talente eine Plattform, um ihre innovativen Arbeiten zu präsentieren. Praxisnah, inspirierend und zukunftsträchtig stellen sie ihre Projekte einem Expertenpublikum vor. Damit bietet ihnen der Branchentreff die Möglichkeit zum Kontakt mit denjenigen, die immer auf der Suche nach jungen Kreativtalenten sind. Gleichzeitig geben die Nachwuchskreativen langjährigen Medienprofis kreative Impulse für die eigene Arbeit.


Trainstorming - Ein Film über Zugfahren
Paul Kusmaul, Student an der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Ludwigsburg


wHole – Ein Puppentrickfilm
Robert Banning & Laura Staab, Studenten an der TH Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm


Dustin – Die Anatomie einer Komödie
Andreas Tetz, Absolvent der TH Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm


Abstimmung: Eyes & Ears Junior Highlights 2015

EYES & EARS Keynotes 2015

Unter dem Titel Eyes & Ears Keynotes geben sowohl nationale als auch europäische und internationale Branchenakteure aus den Bereichen TV, Film, Internet, Mobile, Games, Events, Werbung, Kunst und Kultur Einblicke in ihre Projekte und vermitteln damit neue Perspektiven. Mit dem Aufgreifen aktueller Medienentwicklungen, -trends und -herausforderungen bieten die Beiträge den Teilnehmern Inspiration und Anknüpfungspunkte für ihre eigene Arbeit.


The future of media: paywill models, robot journalists... and a new media ecosystem

Gerd Leonhard, Futurist, Author and CEO The Futures Agency, Basel


Digitales Erzählen - Neue Erzählformen für neue Formate

Dr. Dennis Eick, freier Autor & Dozent, Köln


Corporate Imagery - wie Unternehmen erfolgreich mit Bildern kommunizieren

Prof. Dr. Dieter Georg Herbst, Dozent & Autor, Berlin


Anticonventional Thinking

Jeffrey Baumgartner, Author, Motivational Speaker and Workshop Facilitator, Erps-Kwerps/Belgium

Download as PDF:

Registration form for individuals

Registration form for Groups

Registration fee for individuals:

  • Eyes & Ears members: €350
  • Pupils, students, trainees (member): €75
  • Non-members: €950
  • Pupils, students, trainees (non-member): €150

Registration fee for groups:

  • 4 Eyes & Ears members from one company: €1.200 (each additional member registration €300)
  • 4 non-members of one company: €3.000 (each additional registration €850)

Become a member!



Vondelstraße 4-8

50677 Cologne


  • € 150,- Eyes & Ears members
  • € 50,- Eyes & Ears members / pupils, students, trainees who are personally members of EEofE or
    pupils, students, trainees of an institutional member of EEofE Europe
  • € 650,- non-members
  • € 100,- non-members / pupils, students, trainees


​Vondelstraße 4-8
​50677 Cologne

Download as PDF:

Registration form for individuals

Registration form for Groups

Registration fee for individuals:

  • Eyes & Ears members: €350 €200*
  • Pupils, students, trainees (member): €75 €50*
  • Non-members: €950 €650*
  • Pupils, students, trainees (non-member): €150 €75*

Registration fee for groups:

  • 4 Eyes & Ears members from one company: €1.200 €600* (each additional member registration €300 €150*)
  • 4 non-members of one company: €3.000 €2.000* (each additional registration €850 €500*)

Become a member!



Vondelstraße 4-8

50677 Cologne

*Early Bird Registration valid until 12 April 2015. From 13 April 2015 Standard Registration rates apply.

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Download as PDF:

Registration form for individuals

Registration form for Groups

Registration fee for individuals:

  • Eyes & Ears members: €350 €200*
  • Pupils, students, trainees (member): €75 €50*
  • Non-members: €950 €650*
  • Pupils, students, trainees (non-member): €150 €75*

Registration fee for groups:

  • 4 Eyes & Ears members from one company: €1.200 €600*(each additional member registration €300 €150*)
  • 4 non-members of one company: €3.000 €2.000* (each additional registration €850 €500*)

Become a member!



Vondelstraße 4-8

50677 Cologne

*Early Bird Registration valid until 12 April 2015. From 13 April 2015 Standard Registration rates apply.

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